Occlusion Evaluator

Occlusion Evaluator

The AudioOcclusionEvaluator class is responsible for performing the calculations. The plugin includes two evaluators: OcclusionEvaluator_Spatial and OcclusionEvaluator_Line.


  • Listener: Typically the camera.
  • Listener Probe: A point in space used for traces, relative to the Listener’s location.
  • Source: The sound source or emitter, usually an AudioComponent.
  • Source Probe: A point in space used for traces, relative to the Source’s location.


A straightforward, single-trace evaluator with no configuration options.


Advanced evaluator with lot of options

  • Listener Probe Angle: Angle between the forward-looking vector and the ListenerProbe direction. 90 is right direction.
  • Listener Probe Offset: Distance between listener and probe, in direction of ListenerProbeAngle
  • Listener Probe Trace: Should ListenerProbe use trace to avoid clipping through walls.
  • Source Probe Angle: Angle between the forward-looking vector and the SourceProbe direction. 90 is right direction
  • Source Probe Offset: Distance between source and probe, in direction of SourceProbeAngle
  • Source Probe Trace: Should SourceProbe use trace to avoid clipping through walls.